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Lothrop Street Press is committed to publishing literature that moves the spirit and bears analysis. We seek to engage the reader with well-crafted works that recognize timeless structure while still reflecting the concerns of the moment. When you are finished with the last page, there will be a sense of recognition or turn of phrase that lingers, making you wish there were just one more page to turn. With an initial focus on poetry and shorter fiction, we intend to produce works that offer a ready reward but that sustain a second look. The subtle motifs may not be immediately apparent; however, a careful reader will take the time to appreciate the thoughtful execution that provides a richer experience.


And we love books, not just the stories but the objects that carry them forward. We want you to hold our books in your hand and feel how each element - the design, the paper, the choice of font - enhances the particular journey you are undertaking. It should be a book that you would be happy to find lying on your bedside table. So, for the moment, you will not find our publications in an electronic format. The ethers are exploding with ample choices to glow in the dark; we intend to provide a tangible alternative.


Our colophon embodies that same sense of journey. Ursa Major, the constellation of the Great Bear, points to the North Star that has guided countless sailors, explorers, and those seeking freedom to new adventures or to a safe home. For us, no matter where we journey, Lothrop Street will always be our home. There a 19th century house on a seacoast street in a small New England town provided the foundation of lives well lived. This small independent publishing venture is our latest adventure from that foundation, undertaken during the perilous times of pandemic and long overdue societal upheaval. We feel fortunate to be able to set forth and excited to see what future publications join us on the journey.

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